About us

UKSMDT comprises a board of active practitioners and researchers who have developed the field of dance underpinned by somatic awareness in higher education contexts, and/or in the independent sector.  

You can currently study dance and somatics at MA and PhD Level in UK and Éire universities, as well as train on several independent training programmes.

Our organisation provides a regulatory body, bridging higher education, the independent sector and industry. 

Through registration and certification, UKSMDT acknowledges the unique skills and high level of training somatically informed dancers have undertaken during their careers, often studying somatic awareness at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and in independent contexts.


Chair - Karin Rugman (fit2flowinfo@gmail.com)

Administrator - Rebecca Sillence (movingtomindful@gmail.com)

Website Designer - Scott Closson (scottclosson@uksmdt.com)

Founder of UKSMDT - Dr. Amanda Williamson


​Our Mission Statement:

  • ​To provide on-going support and connection for practitioners across the United Kingdom & Éire
  • To develop the profession in the UK & Éire, research and share best practice together  
  • To exchange knowledge and frameworks through annual symposiums and conferences
  • To educate people and health care professionals about our work and the health benefits of Somatic Movement Dance Therapies
  • To safeguard our profession, maintain high standards and protect the communities we work with
  • To create a bridge between higher education and freelance contexts
  • To widen access, create opportunities, develop inclusive practices and honour cultural diversity
  • To support university lecturers and programme leaders who pioneer the field at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and in independant contexts